Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Why Politico is the worst: Reason #395

 Today Politico says:

Senior U.S. lawmakers are stressing out about mounting government debt as they resist President Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion plan to boost the economy

How is this not journalistic malpractice? How is this not pure propaganda? The only people freaking out about the debt are Republicans.

Politico deliberately and intentionally smeared all lawmakers with the fringe beliefs of Republicans so as to normalize those beliefs (the rest of the article is about how economic experts including debt investors themselves also support Joe Biden's plan).

This is how fascism wins: one lie at a time.


  1. Hard to follow politics these days. Fox news published a hit piece on Kamala for saying "have a nice long weekend." They faulted her for not mentioning memorial day and the veterans. What kills me is that what actually matters...the meat so to speak, is the actually legislation and voting that takes place to give veterans more rights, but less educated people just like meme warfare and equate meme warfare with actual substance. I think people don't take the time to follow actual legislation, they just look at the quick and easy to understand hit pieces and count it as "support."

    1. The Republican party is done with democracy, because it doesn't deliver white male privilege anymore. That is all you need to know; literally everything else they say is just a distraction.

      The electorate largely understands this. So it's completely pointless to pay any attention to the "details;" those are literally just for show. We either defeat the fascists at the ballot box or democracy fails. That's all there is left.

  2. Well, democracy won, but by ushering in fascism. And now we have an insurrectionist who is responsible for the deaths of US citizens on US soil as the president elect.

    I don't even fear for the future. I'm just sad. There goes hope. Things will get worse and Trump will spin it as either other people's fault, or necessary suffering on the way to greatness.

    He's such a great spinner, and pundits have been so unfair to his opponents by saying everyone is so unfair to him. I don't think those who voted for him will even realize that their hopes were misplaced, and that he and his allies were lying or spinning. All politicians need to learn something about sales, but Trump is the ultimate salesman who became a politician.

  3. I made that comment 3 years ago and sadly it turned out to be wholly and completely true.

    Most people here in Australia are aware of how bad this is (except for our handful of Trumpers). Americans are simply unaware of what this will cost them in international prestige, or why they should care about that.

    This is not jut a bad day for America; it is the twilight of democracy around the world. Who would trust the people to elect their own leaders after this?

    The worst thing is, Trump isn't even a great liar. He is terrible at it, like he is at everything else. They did all the heavy lifting themselves. His only attributes are shamelessness and delusion, and now they get to share those with him.

    I am sorry for everybody who has to live through this.

    1. Maybe if the US had had Australia's system of mandatory voting, and also popularly elected the president instead of the electoral college (as I've seen it called elsewhere: affirmative action for small states), we would have been fine. A Clinton presidency up until COVID, and Trump an also ran (who never really wanted to win in the first place), and a regular McCain or Romney like Republican in 2021.

      But what ifs. Even this will pass. The question is if it does in such a way that discredits Trumpian political figures in the US. Probably not given the willingness of people to apply the blame double standard to him. But you never know.

    2. Mandatory voting would definitely help.

      But if this threat didn't get people to pay attention, then nothing would have. Democracy underwent the most basic test of survival... and failed.
